
National institute of medical coding (NIMC) is institute with well-established training, placement certification, guiding to our dear students. We provide world class learning environment and our strong links with various Health Insurance MNC companies will help you to prepare for a sucessful career.

NIMC provides accurate, reliable and unbiased training on Medical coding & Billing. National institute of medical coding is very friendly place with a strong focus on supporting students with a “can do attitude to life”.

We understand that when you join any training Institute, you are not just investing your money, but also your perspicuous time. Therefore, you have certain expectations from the institute. Our entire team of instructors , support staff & trainers understand and respects your expectations. We therefore make a serious effort in providing you with maximum benefits that enable you to build a strong foundation for a successful career. We hope You will choose to join us but what ever you decide, we wish you sucess in all your future endeavors.